Multiple Page Format

You can opt to use a multiple page format form.

Depending on the purpose, this format can seem easier for recipients to complete because it splits the data into logically grouped sections. For example: An application form can request general information on page one, education history on page two, and work history on page three.

Click Add A Page to create another page in a form. The second page displays in a new tab, and the Page Name field is automatically named Page 2.

When you type a new value into that field, make sure to click Save Draft or Save and continue editing to ensure that your page selections are stored. The tab at the top of the form updates to show the page name that you have entered. This tab serves as a link to quickly access that cluster of questions on the form.


Multiple page forms are still considered one form, so if you use a field or a field block on one page, you cannot use that field or field block on a different page of the same form.

When recipients view a multiple paged form, they can access the pages by clicking Previous or Next

You can create custom fields if none of the system or custom fields meet your needs.

For the purposes of this example, we will choose only one type to demonstrate how to create a custom field in a form.